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Accession number
Maker of the object
A D Henderson Ltd
Aachen, Hans von (1552 - 1615, German)
Abid, Afshan
Adam, Joseph Denovan (1842 - 1896, Scottish)
Adam, Stephen (1848-1910)
Adam, Stephen (1848-1910, Scottish)
Adam, Stephen Jnr
Aird, Thompson & McKellar
Albani, Francesco (workshop of) (1578 - 1660, Italian)
Albion Motors
Aldi, Pietro (1852 - 1888, Italian)
Alexander Stephen & Sons Ltd
Alexander, Edwin John (1870–1926)
Allan, Hugh 'Ugolin'
Allan, Hugh 'Ugolin' (1862-1909)
Allan, Sir William (1782 - 1850, Scottish)
Allander Pottery
Allander Pottery (1904-1908)
Allegri, Antonio Correggio after (circa 1489 - 1534, Italian)
Allison, Alex M
Amiens school of (15th Century)
Anderson, Martin
Andreotti, Federico (1847 - 1930, Italian)
Andrew Barclay Sons & Co Limited
Andrew Reid & Company Ltd (printer)
Anesi, Paolo (1697-1773, Italian)
Angus Modelmakers
Archer, James (1823 - 1904, Scottish)
Archibald Orr Ewing & Co
Arrol-Johnston Limited
Arthur J Wilkinson Ltd (potter)
Artist unknown
Atkins, Anna
Austen, A
Avelli, Francesco Xanto
B.S.A. (1861 - 1972/73, British)
Bailey, G
Baird, Edward MacEwan (1904 - 1949, Scottish)
Balen I, Hendrik van (1575 - 1632, Flemish)
Balen, Jan van attributed to (1611 - 1654, Flemish)
Balestra, Antonio (1666 - 1740, Italian)
Banks & Co
Banks & Co (c.1870-1982)
Barbier, George
Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco (Guercino)
Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco (Guercino) (1591-1666)
Barclay, William
Barocci, Federico after (circa 1535-1612, Italian)
Bartlemew, Nicholas
Bartolomeo Veneto (circa 1480-1531, Italian)
Barye, Antoine-Louis (1796-1875, French)
Bastien-Lepage, Jules (1848 - 1884, French)
Bates, Harry (1850 - 1899, English)
Bates, John (designer)
Bates, L.G
Bathurst, Benjamin
Bauer, Marius Alexander Jacques (1867 - 1932, Dutch)
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent (1872 - 1928, English)
Beaumont, Claudio Francesco attributed to (1694-1766, Italian)
Belfin, G
Bell, John
Bellenger, Georges (1847-1915, French)
Bellini, Giovanni (circa 1438, possibly - 1516, Italian)
Bellini, Giovanni follower of (circa 1438, possibly - 1516, Italian)
Bemrose & Sons Ltd
Ben Holmes
Benson, W.A.S (1854-1924, English)
Bergna, J
Berlotti, Luigi
Berty, B
Bickerton (founded 1971, English)
Blackwood & Gordon
Blake, William (1757 - 1827, English)
Blaschka of Dresden
Blommers, Bernardus Johannes (1845 - 1914, Dutch)
Bone, Muirhead (1876 - 1953, Scottish / British)
Bonner, Betholia
Bonvin, François (1817 - 1887, French)
Bordon, Paris (1500 - 1571, Italian)
Bordon, Paris after (1500 - 1571, Italian)
Bosboom, Johannes (1817 - 1891, Dutch)
Bosch, Hieronymus imitator of (active 1480 - 1516, Netherlandish)
Botticelli, Sandro (circa 1445 - 1510, Italian)
Boudin, Eugène (1824 - 1898, French)
Bough, Samuel (1822 - 1878, English / Scottish)
Bough, Samuel (1822 - 1878, Scottish)
Boutet de Monvel, Bernard
Bouts, Dieric (or follower of)
Boyd, Alexander Stuart (1854 - 1930, Scottish / British)
Boydell, Phillip
Breton, Jules (1827 - 1906, French)
Bril, Paul (1554 - 1626, Flemish)
British Eagle Cycle Company Limited
British School (Scottish)
Broders, Roger
Brooks, J (19th century, Scottish)
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Ford Madox (1821 - 1893, English)
Brown, James
Brown, Sharp and Co. (material)
Bruegel I, Jan (1568 - 1625, Flemish)
Bruegel I, Jan attributed to (1568 - 1625, Flemish)
Bruegel II, Jan (1601-1678, Flemish)
Bryden, Robert (1865 - 1939, Scottish)
Brydon, J (active 1799, British)
Buonaccorso, Niccolo Di (circa 1348-1388, Italian)
Bureau, Louis
Burford, Thomas, after Seymour, J (1710 - 1774, English)
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898, English)
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (artist)
Burr, Alexander Hohenlohe (1835 - 1899, Scottish)
Burr, John (1831 - 1893, Scottish)
Cadell, Francis Campbell Boileau (1883 - 1937, Scottish)
Caird & Co Ltd
Cairo, Francesco del (1607-1665, Italian)
Caldecott, Randolph (1846 - 1886, English)
Caledonian Pottery
Cambridge Tapestry Company (maker) (upper left, upper right sections and much of the border)
Cameron, James
Cameron, Katherine (1874 - 1965)
Cameron, Sir David Young
Cameron, Sir David Young (1865 - 1945, Scottish)
Campion, Adrien
Camuccini, Vincenzo (1771 - 1844, Italian)
Canal, Giovanni Antonio, known as Canaletto, imitator of (1697 - 1768, Italian)
Cantagalli Workshop
Carducho, Vincente (1576-1638, Italian)
Carpi, Girolamo da (1501 - 1556, Italian)
Carracci, Annibale (after) (1609 –1685, Italian)
Carrick, Robert (1820-1905, Scottish)
Carrick, Robert (19th century, Scottish)
Carter & Pratt (c.1890-1910)
Casali, Andrea (1705-1784, Italian)
Cassatt, Mary (1844 - 1926, American)
Cassidy, Paul M
Catena, Vincenzo (circa 1470/80-1531, Italian)
Cedric Chivers (1878 - 1990)
Cesari, Giuseppe (known as Cavalier d'Arpino) (1568 - 1640, Italian)
Cezanne, Paul (1839 - 1906, French)
Chardin, Jean-Simeon (1669 - 1779, French)
Chardin, Jean-Simeon (1699 - 1779, French)
Chardin, Jean-Simeon in the manner of (1699 - 1779, French)
Cheyney, Frances
Christian Dior
Christie, James Elder (1847 - 1914, Scottish)
Chrysler Ltd
Churchill Ltd
Ciardi, Guglielmo (1842 - 1917, Italian)
City Glassworks, Glasgow
Clarke, Elizabeth
Clarke, Harry (1889-1931)
Clausen, Sir George (1852 - 1944, English)
Clayton, Thomas
Cleve, Joos van studio of (circa 1464 - circa 1540)
Cliff, Clarice (designer)
Clyde Pottery
Cochran & Fleming
Cochran, William (1738 - 1785, Scottish)
Coecke van Aelst, Pieter, the elder (artist in the circle of)
College of Nautical Studies
Collier, Edward (circa 1640-circa 1708)
Collins, Charles
Copland & Lye
Corbett, Robert C
Corio Workshop
Corot, Camille (1796 - 1875, French)
Cottier, Daniel
Cottier, Daniel (1838-1891)
Courbet, Gustave (1819 - 1877, French)
Courbet, Gustave attributed to (1819 - 1877, French)
Coventry, H.B
Coëtivy Master (active circa 1450-1485, French)
Craig, John
Cranach the Elder, Lucas (1472-1553)
Cranach the Elder, Lucas workshop of (1472-1553)
Crane, Walter
Crane, Walter (1845 - 1915, English)
Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Crane, Walter (1845–1915)
Crawford, James Hunter (c.1842-1916)
Crawford, Robert Cree (1842 - 1924, Scottish)
Crawford, Susan Fletcher (1865 - 1919, Scottish / British)
Crawhall, Joseph (1861 - 1913, British / English)
Creighton, William
Cruikshank, George (1792 - 1878, English)
Cullen, Mary
Cunninghame, D
Currie, John
Cynicus (Anderson, Martin) (1854 - 1932, British)
D & W Prophet
D Methven & Sons
Dali, Salvador (1904 - 1989, Spanish)
Dalzell, Gavin
Dammy, H Robert
Daniel, Alf
Daniell, William (1769 - 1837, English)
Daret, Jacques after (possibly) (designer)
Daubigny, Charles François (1817 - 1878, French)
Daumier, Honoré (1808 - 1879, French)
Daumier, Honoré (1808 - 1879, French) attributed to
Daumier, Honoré (1808 - 1879, French) formerly attibuted to
Daumier, Honoré (1808 - 1879, French) formerly attributed to
Daumier, Honoré (1808 - 1879, French), formerly attributed to
Davenport, S
David Kemp & Son
David Lockhart & Co
David Rattray & Co Ltd
Davidson, Peter Wylie (maker)
Davidson, William Armstrong (maker)
Dawson, Edith and Nelson
De Caluwé, Marian
De Grieksche A Pottery (under the management of Pieter Adriaensz Kocks and his widow Johanna van der Heul)
Dean and Munday Printers
Dean, Stansmore Richmond Leslie (1866 - 1944, Scottish)
Deck, Theodore
Degas, Edgar (1834 - 1917, French)
Delftfield Pottery
Dent and Dutton (1906 - 1982, English / American)
Derain, Andre (1880 - 1954, French)
Dessurne, Mark (1825-1885)
Dewar, De Courcy Lewthwaite (maker)
Dewar, Miss Margaret De Courcy Lewthwaite ('Kooroovi')
Di Milano, Provasio
Diaz, Narcisse (1808 - 1876, French)
Dicksee, Sir Frank Bernard (1853 - 1928, English)
Dixon, Charles (1872 - 1934, British / English)
Dixon, Charles (1872 - 1934, English)
Diziani, Gaspare ascribed to (1689 - 1767, Italian)
Docharty, James (1829 - 1878, Scottish)
Dolci, Carlo (1616 - 1686, Italian)
Donald, Isabella
Donald, Katharine
Donnelly, W A (19th century, Scottish)
Dore, Paul Gustave Louis Christophe (1832 - 1883, French)
Douglas, William
Dow, Thomas Millie (1848 - 1919, Scottish)
Downie, Patrick (1854 - 1945, Scottish)
Dreamer Design
Dresser, Christopher
Dresser, Christopher (1834-1904)
Drinkwater, John (1882 - 1937)
Dughet, Gaspar (1615 - 1675, French)
Duncan, John (1866 - 1945, Scottish)
Duncan, Thomas (1807 - 1845, Scottish)
Dunton and Sons
Dupra, Domenico (1689 - 1770, Italian)
Dupressoir, François Joseph
Durer, Albrecht (1471 - 1528, German)
Durer, Albrecht (1471-1528, German)
Dutch School
Dutch School (17th century)
Dutton, E P (1852 - 1986)
Dyce, William (1806 - 1864, Scottish)
Eadie, Robert (1877 - 1954, Scottish / British)
Easiephit Footwear Ltd
Ednie, John (1876-1934)
Ednie, John (probably)
Eizan, Kikugawa
Elkington and Co
Ellis, Henry
Erhart, Gregor
Es, Jacob Fopsen van attributed to (circa 1596 - 1666, Flemish)
Evans, Sebastian (1830 - 1909)
Faber and Faber
Faed, John (1819 - 1902, Scottish)
Faed, Thomas (1826 - 1900, Scottish)
Fairbairn, Thomas (1820 - 1885, Scottish / British)
Fairbairn, Thomas after (1820 – 1885, Scottish / British)
Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd
Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore (1836 - 1904, French)
Farrar, Henry
Farrell, Frederick Arthur (1882 - 1935, Scottish)
Fetter, John A
Fiammingo, Paolo (circa 1540-1596, Flemish)
Filosa, Giovanni Battista (1850 - 1935, Italian)
Finlayson, Margaret
Fitton, Hedley (1857/9 - 1929, English)
Fitu Corset Company
Fitzgerald, Edward (1809 - 1883)
Fleming & Ferguson Ltd
Flemish School attributed to
Flinck, Govert (1615 - 1660, Dutch)
Florentine (later sixteenth Century)
Forain, Jean-Louis (1852-1931, French)
Ford Motor Company Limited
Ford, USA
Forrest & Son
Forrest, William (1805 - 1899, Scottish) (after McCulloch, Horatio R.S.A.)
Francia, Francesco (circa 1450-1517, Italian)
Francis Barnett
Franco-Italian (Savoy)
Fraser Sons & Co
French School
Fry, Roger (1866 - 1934, English)
Frères, Raingo
Fukuda Kumajiro
Fullerton, William
Fulton, John
Gaggini, Giovanni
Gainsborough, Dupont (1754-1797, English)
Gakutei, Yashima
Galle, Emile
Gambara, Lattanzio (circa 1530-1574, Italian)
Garbo, Raffaellino Del (circa 1470-1527/8, Italian)
Garstin, Norman (1847 - 1926, English)
Garzi, Luigi (1638 - 1721, Italian)
Gatti, Gervasio attributed to (circa 1550-1630, Italian)
Gauguin, Eugene Henry Paul (1848 - 1903, French)
Gauguin, Paul (1848 - 1903, French)
Gauld, David (1865 - 1936, Scottish / British)
Gauld, David Brown (1865 - 1936, Scottish)
Geddes, Andrew (1783 - 1844, Scottish)
Geel, Joost van (1631 - 1698, Dutch)
George Routledge & Sons (1836 - 1912)
George Walton & Co
Gericault, Theodore (1791 - 1824, French)
Gericault, Theodore (1791 - 1824, French), formerly attributed to
German School
Gheeraerts, Marcus the Younger (1561–1635, Flemish, active England) (and workshop)
Gheeraerts, Marcus the Younger (1561–1635, Flemish, active England) (school of, possibly)
Ghezzi, Pier Leone (1674-1755, Italian)
Ghisolfi, Giovanni attributed to (1623 - 1683, Italian)
Gibb, Andrew
Gibb, Robert (1845 - 1932, Scottish)
Gilbert, Sir John (1817 - 1897)
Gilfillan and Co
Gilmour, Margaret (1863-1942)
Glasgow Corporation
Glasgow Corporation Transport
Glasgow Cycle Co
Glen, James
Globus Verlag (1898-c.1940)
Glover, William (1836-1916, Scottish)
Glover, William (1936-1916, Scottish)
Godward, John William (1861 - 1922, English)
Gogh, Vincent van (1853 - 1890, Dutch)
Goodall, Edward, after Turner, J M W (1795 - 1870, English)
Gould, William
Gowans and Gray Ltd (1846-)
Goya, Francisco de (1746 - 1828, Spanish)
Graham Gilbert, John (1794 - 1866, Scottish)
Graham, Alexander
Graham, Peter (1836 - 1921, Scottish)
Gramatica, Antiveduto (1571 - 1626, Italian)
Grant, James
Gray, Norah Neilson (1882 - 1931, British / Scottish)
Gray, Norah Neilson (1882 - 1931, Scottish)
Graystone Bird
Greatbach, William, after Wilkie, Sir David (circa 1802 - 1885, English)
Greenock & Grangemouth Dockyard Co Ltd
Greiffenhagen, Maurice William (1862 - 1931)
Greiffenhagen, Maurice William (1862 - 1931, English)
Gribelin, Simon
Gris, Juan (Jose Victoriano Gonzalez)
Guardi, Francesco (1712 - 1793, Italian)
Guercino, possibly
Guillaumin, Armand (1841 - 1927, French)
Gul Buchanan
Guthrie & Wells
Guthrie & Wells (1897 - 2002, Scottish / British)
Guthrie & Wells (1897-2002)
Guthrie and Wells
Guthrie and Wells (1897-2002)
Guthrie and Wells (1897-2002, Scottish)
Guthrie, Sir James (1859 - 1930, British / Scottish)
Guthrie, Sir James (1859 - 1930, Scottish)
Guthrie, Sir James (1859 – 1930, British / Scottish)
Hadaway, William S
Hagan, J
Hagen, Dr J
Haibara Naojiro
Hall, J. C & Co. (1890s-1938)
Hall, Jean
Hals, Frans the Elder (and workshop) (circa 1580-1666, Dutch)
Hamilton, James (1853 - 1894, Scottish)
Harlow, George Henry (1787-1819, English)
Harris, David Fraser (1867-1937)
Harrison, W
Harunobu, Suzuki
Harvey, Sir George (1806 - 1876, Scottish)
Harvie, Miss Margaret
Harvie, Robert
Haseler, W H
Hatherell, William
Heath & Co Ltd
Henderson, James L
Hennequin of Bruges (designer)
Henry, George (1858 - 1943, British / Scottish)
Henry, George (1858 - 1943, Scottish)
Henry, J S (possibly)
Herdman, Robert (1829 - 1888, Scottish)
Heriot, George (1563-1624, Scottish) (goldwork) (possibly)
Herkomer, Sir Hubert von (1849 - 1914, German / English)
Herrick, Frederick Charles (1887-1970)
Herring, John Frederick (1795 - 1865, English)
Hervier, Louis Henri Victor Jules François (1818 - 1879, French)
Heyse, Paul (1830 - 1914)
Hill, David Octavius (1802 - 1870, Scottish)
Hill, David Octavius after
Hislop, David
Hodgert, William
Hogarth Shipping Co
Hokkei (1780 - 1850, Japanese)
Hokkei, Aigaoka
Hokusai (1760 - 1849, Japanese)
Hokusai, Katsushika
Hokusai, Katsushika, possibly
Hokusutei (circa 1800 - 1820, Japanese)
Holyoake, William (1834 - 1894, English)
Hone, Nathaniel (1718 - 1784, Irish / British)
Honeyman & Keppie
Honeyman, Keppie & Mackintosh
Honeyman, Michael (19th century, British / Scottish)
Hornel, Edward Atkinson (1864 - 1933, British / Scottish)
Houston, George (1869 - 1947, Scottish)
Houston, John Adam Plimmer (1812 - 1884, British / Scottish)
Howie Therapy Cycles
Howitt, Samuel (1765 - 1822, English)
Hugh McCulloch & Co (1883 - 1925, Scottish)
Hughes, Jean
Hume, William
Hunt, Thomas (1854 - 1929, English)
Hunter, George Leslie (1877 - 1931, Scottish / British)
Hunter, George Leslie (1877 - 1931, Scottish)
Hutchison I. A.
Hutchison, Robert Gemmell (1860 - 1936, Scottish)
Huysum, Jan van (1682 - 1749, Dutch)
Iribe, Paul
Israels, Josef (1824 - 1911, Dutch)
Italian School attributed to (17th Century)
J & G Thomson Ltd (founded 1845, Scottish)
J Godsell & Co, Outfitters
J M Dent & Sons Ltd (1909 - 1988)
J Macneille
J. & A. Baxter
J.A. Porter & Co.
Jacque, Charles (1813 - 1894, French)
Jacques, Percy
James Couper & Sons
James McKelvie & Sons Ltd
James Reid & Co
Jameson, George attributed to (circa 1586-1644, British)
Jamieson, C
Jamnitzer, Wenzel
John Bates
John Brown
John Crawford & Co
John Elder & Co
John Horn Ltd
John Rogers & Son
Johnston, Alexander (1815 - 1891, Scottish)
Johnston, D.H
Jones, Henry (Londini)
Jones, M
Jongkind, Johann (1819 - 1891, Dutch)
Jordaens, Jacob (1593 - 1678, Flemish)
Kalf, Willem (1619-1693, Dutch)
Kansendo-Izumiya-Ichibei, otherwise Senichi
Kauage, Mathias (1944 - 2003, Papua New Guinean)
Kay, James
Keeling & Co Ltd
Keisser, Herman
Kelly, Thomas
Kennedy, William (1859 - 1918, Scottish)
Kerr, Jean
Kibble, John (1815-1894, Scottish)
Kikumaro, Kitagawa
King, Jessie Marion
King, Jessie Marion (1875 - 1949)
King, Jessie Marion (1875 - 1949, Scottish)
King, Jessie Marion (1875 - 1949, Scottish) (decorator)
King, Jessie Marion (1875 - 1949, Scottish) (designer)
King, Jessie Marion (1875-1949)
King, Jessie Marion, possibly (1875 - 1949, Scottish)
Kinshindo, Moriya Jihei
Kirk, Charles (1872-1922)
Kirkener, Erasmus
Kirsop & Son
Kiyomasu, Torii
Knight, John Baverstock (1785 - 1859, English)
Knox, John (1778 - 1845, Scottish)
Knox, John (1778-1845, Scottish / British)
Knox, John (1778-1845, Scottish)
Koch, Alexander
Korusai, Isoda
Koryusai, Isoda
Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786 - 1864, Japanese)
Kunisada, Go-to-tei (Japanese)
Kunisada, Utagawa (Japanese)
Kuniyasu, Ipposai
Kuniyoshi, Ichiyusa
Lairesse, Gerard de (1641 - 1711, Flemish)
Laistner, Ludwig (1845 - 1896)
Laloue, Eugène Galien (1854 - 1941, French)
Lamb, Henry (1883 - 1960, British / English)
Lane, Arthur
Langlands, John
Lanvin, Jeanne
Laszlo, Philip Alexius de (1869 - 1937, Hungarian / English)
Lauder, Charles James (1841 - 1920, Scottish)
Lauri, Filippo (1623 - 1694, Italian)
Lavery, Sir John (1856 - 1941, Irish / Scottish)
Lawson, Alexander
Lawson, George A (1832 - 1904, Scottish)
Le Nain, Antoine attributed to (circa 1588 - 1648, French)
Le Sidaner, Henri (1862 - 1939, French)
Legrain, Pierre
Leiper, William (1839-1916)
Lepine, Stanislas (1835 - 1892, French)
Leroy Phillips
Leurs, Johannes Karel (1865 - 1938, Dutch)
Lhermitte, Léon (1844 - 1925, French)
Lhuer, Victor
Liberty & Co, Birmingham (maker)
Limbird, Ann
Linnell, John (1792 - 1882, English)
Linthorpe Pottery
Littlejohn, Nancy
Liu, Zhen
Locatelli, Andrea (1695 - 1741, Italian)
Locatelli, Andrea in the style of (1695-1741, Italian)
Loetz (probably)
Logan, George
Logan, George (1866 - 1939, Scottish)
Logan, J.S
Logan, James
Logie & Ramsay
Lorimer, Robert
Lotus Engineering
Luce, Maximilien (1858 - 1941, French)
Luke, Robert
Lukin, William
Lyle, Leckie & Co
MacClure Macdonald & Co
MacDonald, Andrew
MacDonald, Hugh
MacDonald, Mr Andrew
MacNair, James Herbert (1868-1955)
MacNicol, Bessie (1869 - 1904, Scottish)
MacPhail, Neil
Macaulay, Rev J J
Macbeth, Ann (1875 - 1948, English)
Macbeth, Ann (1875 - 1948, English) (designer)
Macbeth, Ann (1875 - 1948, Scottish)
Macbeth, Norman (1821 - 1888, Scottish)
Macdonald, Frances (1873-1921)
Macdonald, Frances (1874 - 1921, Scottish)
Macgillivray, James Pittendrigh
Macgillivray, James Pittendrigh (1856 - 1938, Scottish / British)
Macharg Rennie & Lindsay Ltd (place associated)
Mackellar, Duncan (1849 - 1908, Scottish)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868 - 1928, British / Scottish)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868 - 1928, Scottish)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868 – 1928, Scottish / British)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868-1928)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868-1928, Scottish)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868-1929)
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie (1868–1928)
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933)
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933, English)
Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald (1864-1933, Scottish)
Madame Hayward
Maes, Nicolaes attributed to (1634 - 1693, Dutch)
Maison Nouvelle (box)
Maker's mark, star radiant
Mancilla, Manuel (1897-1953, Peruvian)
Mancini, Antonio (1852 - 1930, Italian)
Manet, Edouard (1832 - 1883, French)
Manet, Édouard (1832 - 1883, French)
Manet, Édouard (1832 - 1883, French) formerly attributed to
Manfield & Sons
Manjoy, George
Mann, Alexander (1853 - 1908, Scottish / British)
Mann, Alexander (1853 - 1908, Scottish)
Mann, Harrington (1864 - 1937, Scottish)
Mantegazza, Paulo (1831 - 1910)
Marchesi, Giuseppe (1699-1771, Italian)
Maris, Jacob Hendricus (1837 - 1899, Dutch)
Maris, Matthijs (1839 - 1917, Dutch)
Marozzo, Achille
Martin, Alex
Martin, Alexander (1863-1930)
Martin, Charles
Martin, Charles (1848 - 1934, French)
Martin, Michael
Martin, Miss
Martin, Mr Alex
Martinez de Gradilla, Juan (died 1673, Spanish)
Mary Queen of Scots
Master of Flemalle (possibly after a design by)
Master of the Beyghem Altarpiece attributed to (16th century)
Master of the Brunswick Diptych attributed to (active circa 1480-1510)
Master of the Glasgow Adoration (active circa 1490-1520)
Master of the Prado Adoration of the Magi attributed to (active circa 1450-1475)
Matisse, Henri (1869 - 1954, French)
Matsumoto Heikichi
Mauve, Anton (1838 - 1888, Dutch)
Maw & Co
Maw & Co (1850-1970)
May, Philip William (1864 - 1903, British)
Mazo, Juan Bautista Martinez del (after)
Mc M Neish, J
McArthur, J
McColl, G.C
McConnell, Lisa
McCorquodale & Co Ltd
McCorquodale & Co Ltd (printer)
McCorquodale, J.M
McCulloch, Horatio (1805 - 1867, British / Scottish)
McCulloch, Horatio (1805 - 1867, Scottish)
McEwan, Thomas (1846 - 1914, Scottish)
McGhie, John (1867 - 1951/2, Scottish)
McGregor, Robert (1847 - 1922, British / Scottish)
McLagan and Cumming Ltd (printer)
McLauchlan, Archibald (18th century, Scottish)
McLintock & Sons
McNair, James Herbert
McNicholl, Hugh
McNiel, Janet
McTaggart, William (1835 - 1910, Scottish)
Meldrum East End Drapery Warehouse
Melville, Arthur (1855 - 1904, Scottish)
Mengs, Anton Raphael (1728-1779, German)
Merisi, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, known as Caravaggio, after (1573 - 1610, Italian)
Merlot-Larchevêque, Madame
Merryweather & Sons
Messrs T & R Annan & Sons
Messrs Wm Beardmore & Co
Metzanos, Aris
Meunier, Constantin (1831-1905, Belgian)
Middleton, James Raeburn (born 1855, Scottish)
Mielich, Hans (1516 - 1573, German)
Mieris I, Frans van (workshop of) (1635 - 1681, Dutch)
Millais, Sir John Everett (1829 - 1896, English)
Millar, William C
Miller & Buchanan
Miller and Lang
Miller and Lang (early 1900s-1982)
Millet, Jean-François (1814 - 1875, French)
Millet, Jean-François (1814 - 1875, French) formerly attributed to
Millet, Jean-François (1814 - 1875, French), formerly attributed to
Millet, Jean-François (1814-1875, French)
Milliken, R
Milne, J.M
Miss Armour
Mitchell, James, after Raphael (1791 - 1852, British)
Miyagawa Kozan
Monet, Claude Oscar (1840 - 1926, French)
Monnier, Henri Bonaventure (1805-1877, French)
Monticelli, Adolphe Joseph Thomas (1824 - 1886, French)
Moore, Albert Joseph (1841 - 1893, English / British)
More, Jacob (1740 - 1793, Scottish)
Morison Brothers
Morland, Henry Robert (1716 - 1797, English)
Morris, Talwin (1865 - 1911)
Morris, Talwin (1865 - 1911, British)
Morris, Talwin (1865-1911)
Morris, William (maker)
Morrison, E
Morton and Sons
Morton, W G
Morton, W G (1871-1946)
Mossman, John (1817 - 1890, Scottish / British)
Motherwell, W
Moulins, Master of (active circa 1475 - circa 1505, French)
Moulton Bicycles Ltd
Muhammad Israil Sa'idi
Muhammad Israil Sa'idi (presumed)
Muhrman, Henry (1854 - 1916, American)
Mundeford, John, possibly
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1617 - 1682, Spanish) attributed to
Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban (1618 - 1682, Spanish)
Müller, Michael IV
Nairn, James McLachlan (1859 - 1904, Scottish)
Nakamura Sasuke
Napier & Miller Ltd (1898 - 1930, Scottish)
Napier, R
Nasmyth, Alexander (1758 - 1840, Scottish)
Neapolitan School
Negretti, Jacomo (known as Palma Vecchio) (1480, possibly - 1528, Italian)
Neill & Co Ltd
Neilson & Co. Hyde Park Locomotive Works
Nevinson, Christopher Richard Wynne (1889 - 1946, English)
Newbery, Jessie
Newbery, Jessie (1864 - 1948, Scottish)
Newbery, Jessie (1864-1948)
Newbery, Jessie (designer)
Nichol, J & D
Nicholson, Ben (1894 - 1982, British / English)
Nicholson, Elizabeth
Nicholson, Sir William (1872 - 1949, British / English)
Nicol, Charles
Nicol, Erskine (1825 - 1904, Scottish)
Nicoll, Gordon (artist)
Nome, Francois (also known as Desiderio, Monsu) (circa 1593 - after 1644, Italian)
Normal Macdougall
Norman Hill Models
North British Locomotive Co Ltd
North Italian School
Norwich School
Novelli, Pietro Antonio (1729 - 1804)
O'Donnell, Ron (born 1952, Scottish)
Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier (1880-1968)
Orchardson, Sir William Quiller (1835 - 1910, Scottish)
Orley, Bernard van (active 1515 - died 1541, Netherlandish) (and studio)
Orpen, Sir William Newenham Montague (1878 - 1931, British / Irish)
Oudry, Jean Baptiste (1686 - 1755, French)
Paez, Jon de (18th century, Mexican)
Paintings by Nakajima Shunkō, published by Aoki Tsunesaburō
Pankhurst, Sylvia
Paris Master (active circa 1440-1460)
Park, James Stuart (1862 - 1933, Scottish / British)
Park, James Stuart (1862 - 1933, Scottish)
Parrett, R
Partick Camera Club
Partick Camera Club (et al)
Paterson, James (1854 - 1932, Scottish)
Paterson, Oscar
Paterson, Oscar (1863-1934)
Paton, Sir Joseph Noel, known as Paton, Noel (1821 - 1901, Scottish)
Paton, Sir Noel
Patrick, Hugh
Patten, George (1801 - 1865, English)
Pattenden, M. A.
Paul, Robert
Paul, Robert after
Payne, Humphrey
Peploe, Samuel John (1871 - 1935, Scottish / British)
Peploe, Samuel John (1871 - 1935, Scottish)
Peppercorn, Arthur Douglas (1847 - 1926, English)
Perignon, Alexis (1806-1882)
Pessl, Frederick, V
Pettie, John (1839 - 1893, Scottish)
Phillips, Leroy
Philpot, Glyn Warren (1884 - 1937, English)
Pichenot, Robert
Piels Freres
Pissarro, Camille Jacob (1830 - 1903, French)
Pissarro, Lucien (1863 - 1944, French)
Plaid Stationary of Scotland Ltd
Pluvinel, Anthoine De
Poincon, Robert (workshop of) (French) (maker)
Poissonier, Arnould (possibly) (workshop of)
Poissonier, Arnould (workshop of, possibly)
Pompe, Gerrit attributed to (circa 1640/50-circa 1695/1705, Dutch)
Priest, Elizabeth
Pringle, John Quinton (1864 - 1925, Scottish)
Pringle, R.W
Pringle, Thomas (1789 - 1834)
Prinsep, Valentine Cameron (1836 - 1904, British / English)
Pryde, James Ferrier (1866-1941)
R Simpson & Sons
Raeburn, Sir Henry (1756 - 1823, Scottish)
Rait, D C
Ramsay, Allan (1713 - 1784, Scottish)
Ranken, William Bruce Ellis (1881 - 1941, Scottish)
Reid, Sir George (1841 - 1913, Scottish)
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 - 1669, Dutch)
Rembrandt, Harmensz van Rijn (1606 - 1669, Dutch)
Rembrandt, Harmensz van Rijn attributed to (1606 - 1669, Dutch)
Reminch, F
Reni, Guido after (1575 - 1642, Italian)
Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841 - 1919, French)
Rhodes, Mary (designer)
Ribera, Jusepe de (known as Lo Spagnoletto) attributed to studio of (1591 - 1652, Spanish)
Ribera, Jusepe de (workshop of) (1591 - 1652, Spanish)
Ribot, Augustin Theodule (1823 - 1891, French)
Ricci, Marco (1676 - 1730, Italian)
Rintei (active 1825, Japanese)
Rios, Luigi da (1844 - 1892, Italian)
Robb, John W
Robert Gray & Son
Robert Scott
Robert, Lucien
Roberts, David after
Robertson, Archibald
Robertson, Thomas
Robusti, Jacopo, known as Tintoretto (1519 - 1594, Italian) (studio of)
Roche, Alexander Ignatius (1861 - 1921, Scottish)
Rock Channel Shipyard Rye
Roddam, Rupert
Rodin, Auguste (1840 - 1917, French)
Rolls Royce Ltd, Hillington
Roman School
Romney, George (1734 - 1802, English)
Rosa, Salvator (1615 - 1673, Italian)
Rosenvinge, Odin
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828 - 1882, English)
Rottenhammer, Hans I (1564 - 1625, German)
Rountree, Harry (1878 - 1950)
Royal Doulton
Rua, Jorge de la (active 1552-1578, Spanish)
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577 - 1640, Flemish)
Rubens, Peter Paul, studio of (1577 - 1640, Flemish)
Russell, E.A
Ruysch, Rachel (1664 - 1750, Dutch)
Ruysch, Rachel (1664 - 1750, Dutch) (attributed to)
Sadakage, Utagawa (active circa 1818 - 1844, Japanese)
Sadakage, Utagawa (circa 1818 - 1844, Japanese)
Saenredam, Pieter Jansz (1597 - 1665, Dutch)
Saint-Jean, Jean Dieu de
Salmon Jnr, James (1873 - 1924, Scottish)
Salmon, Helen Russell (1855 - 1891, Scottish)
Salmon, Robert (1775-1845, Anglo-American)
Sammacchini, Orazio (1532 - 1577, Italian)
Sanchez Coello, Alonso
Sanchez Coello, Alonso (1531-1588, Spanish)
Sant, James (1820 - 1916, English)
Sargent, John Singer (1856–1925, American/English)
Sassoferrato, Giovanni Battista Salva (known as Sassoferrato) (1609 –1685, Italian)
Saunders, Robert
School of the Rimini Master, possibly
Scott Russell & Co
Scott, David (1806 - 1849, Scottish)
Scott, William Bell (1811 - 1890, Scottish)
Scottish Commercial Cars of Scotland (manufacturer)
Scottish Socialist Party
Sesuke, Nakajimaya or Katsugoro, Nakamuraya
Seurat, Georges Pierre (1859 - 1891, French)
Severo, Calzetta (known as Severo da Revenna) (active 1500 - 1543, Italian)
Sharp, Stewart & Co Ltd
Sheddon, Margaret
Shepherd, Alice
Shigenobu, Yanagawa
Shigenobu, Yanagawa, possibly
Shimamura Jirohachi
Shinsai (1784 - 1832, Japanese)
Shoesmith, Kenneth D
Shun'ei, Katsukawa, possibly
Sickert, Walter Richard (1860 - 1942, English)
Signac, Paul (1863 - 1935, French)
Signorelli, Luca (1441/50 - 1523, Italian)
Silver Cross
Simon, David
Simon, Lucien (1855 - 1945, French)
Simoni, Gustavo (1846 - 1926, Italian)
Simpson, Hunter & Young
Simpson, John
Simpson, R.B
Simpson, William (1823 - 1899, Scottish)
Sinclair Vehicles Ltd
Sisley, Alfred (1839 - 1899, French)
Skene, Agnes E P (maker)
Small, David
Small, David (1846 - 1927, Scottish / British)
Small, David (1846 - 1927, Scottish)
Small, David (1846-1922, Scottish)
Smalpage & Sons
Smart, John
Smith & Rait, Glasgow
Smith, D
Smith, Francis
Smith, Francis (1838-1921)
Smyth, Dorothy Carleton (1880 - 1933, Scottish)
Smyth, Dorothy Carleton (1880-1933)
Smyth, Dorothy Carleton (designer)
Soest, Gerard (circa 1600 - 1681, Dutch / British)
Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio (1492 - 1544, Italian)
Solimena, Francesco (1657 - 1747, Italian)
Southern Bank Note Company
Spanish School
Spence, Harry (1860 - 1928, British / Scottish)
St John the Baptist Workshop
Standard Motor Company Limited
Stanley Motor Carriage
Steele, Isobel K C
Steell, Gourlay (1819 - 1894, Scottish)
Stevens, Adam Mr
Stevenson, Robert Macaulay, known as Stevenson, Macaulay (1854 - 1952, Scottish)
Stewart & McDonald
Stewart, Malcolm (1829 - 1916, Scottish)
Stewart, Margaret
Storey, George Adolphus (1834 - 1919, English)
Stott, William, known as Stott of Oldham (1857 - 1900, English)
Strachan, Lewis L
Strachan, Louis S
Strang, William (1859 - 1921, British / Scottish)
Strang, William (1859 - 1921, British/Scottish)
Strang, William (1859 - 1921, Scottish)
Sutherland, D.C
Swan, Joseph
Swan, Joseph after
Swanwick, Joseph Harold (1866 - 1929, English)
T N Foulis Ltd (1903 - 1924)
Tait, Bill
Takeuchi Hidehisa
Tamaguchi-ya Tobei, (Kinkodo)
Tannock, James (1784-1863, Scottish)
Taquoy, Maurice
Taylor, Caroline M (active 1890s)
Taylor, Ernest Archibald
Taylor, Ernest Archibald (1874 - 1951, Scottish)
Taylor, J
Taylor-Duncan, S
Teniers II, David (1610 - 1690, Flemish)
Teniers II, David (1610-1690)
Teniers II, David (workshop of) (1610 - 1690, Flemish)
The Argyll Motor Company Limited
The Cunard Steamship Co Ltd
The Della Robbia Pottery & Marble Company Ltd
The Hamilton Advertiser Ltd (1856-).
Theotokopoulos, Domenikos (El Greco)
Thomas Nasmith & Co
Titian (circa 1488/90-1576, Italian)
Titian after (possibly) (1588 - 1648)
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri (1864 - 1901, French)
Toyoharu, Utagawa
Toyokuni, Utagawa
Traquair, Phoebe Anna (1852-1936, Irish)
Trevisani, Francesco (1656 - 1746, Italian)
Tricca, Fosco (1856 - 1918, Italian)
Turner, Charles, after Turner, J M W (1773/4 - 1857, English)
Turner, Jane
Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775 - 1851, British / English)
Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775 - 1851, English)
Tutill, George
Ulla, Niamut
Underwood & Underwood
United Turkey Red Company
Unknown artist
Unknown artist (circa 1730, English)
Utamaro, Kitagawa (1753 - 1806, Japanese)
Utamaro, Kitagawa (1754 - 1806, Japanese)
Vallée, Armand
Van den Kerchove, J
Vauxhall Motors Ltd
Vecellio, Francesco (circa 1485/95-1559/60, Italian)
Velasquez, Diego attributed to studio of (1599 - 1660, Spanish)
Veloce Ltd
Venice and Murano Glass Company
Verlag von Wilhelm Weicher
Vertangen, Daniel (circa 1598 - 1681/4, Dutch)
Vertue, George (1684 - 1756, British / English)
Vliet, Hendrick Cornelisz van (circa 1611-1675)
Vollon, Antoine (1833 - 1900, French)
Vuillard, Jean Edouard (1868 - 1940, French)
W H Potter & Sons
W R Pashley Ltd
W S Thomson
Waitt, Richard after (active 1706 - 1726, Scottish)
Walker, Cassandia Anne
Walker, Elizabeth (19th century, Scottish)
Walls, William (1860 - 1942, Scottish)
Walters, Samuel (1811 - 1882, English)
Walton, Edward Arthur (1860 - 1922, Scottish)
Walton, George Henry
Walton, George Henry 1867 - 1933
Walton, George Henry (1867 - 1933, Scottish)
Walton, Hannah or Walton, Helen 1850 - 1921
Walton, Helen (1850 - 1921, Scottish)
Walton, Helen (1850-1921)
Warrick, William (possibly)
Watanabe, Yataro
Watson, John
Watt, Eric
Weber, Jakob
Wedgwood & Co
Welte Sohne
West, Joseph (active 1797-1874)
Westall, Richard (1765 - 1836, English)
Whall, C W
Whistler, James McNeill (1834 - 1903, American / British)
Wighton, John (workshop of)
Wighton, John, workshop
Wighton, John, workshop of
Wilkie, Sir David (1785 - 1841, Scottish)
Willaume, David
William Denny and Brothers
William Denny and Brothers (1844 - 1968, Scottish)
William Meikle & Sons
Williams, Hugh William, also known as Williams, Hugh 'Grecian' (1773 - 1829, Scottish)
Williamson, John (1826 - 1885)
Wilson, Henry (attributed)
Wilson, Margaret A R
Wohlgemuth & Co
Wohlgemuth & Co, probably
Wohlgemuth, S
Wolff, David
Wood, Christopher (1901 - 1930, English)
Wood, Katy
Woolf, Samuel J (1880-1948, American)
Wright, John Michael (1617 - 1694, British)
Wright, Joseph
Wylie & Lochhead Ltd
Wylie & Lochhead Ltd (1829-1957)
Yamaguchi-ya Chusuke
Yamaha Motor Company
Yamamoto Mankichi
Yerbury, Daniel
Yohachi, Nishimura
York School
Younger, Jane
Zampieri, Domenico, known as Domenichino (1581 - 1641, Italian)
Zenith Motorcycles
Zoffany, Johann ascribed to (1734/5 - 1810, German / English)
Zuccarelli, Francesco (1702 - 1788, Italian)
after Graham Gilbert, John (1794 - 1866, Scottish)
after Heere, Lucas de
after Parmigianino (1504 - 1540, Italian)
de Cervantes Saavedra, Migue (1547 - 1616)l
de Kempeneer, Willem (workshop of) (maker)
de Morgan, William (1839-1917)
de Rasse, Guillaume (in the workshop of)
del Piombo, Sebastiano after (active 1485-1547, Italian)
van Orley, Bernard (1487-1541, Flemish)
van Orley, Bernard (designer)
van Orley, Bernard (workshop of and collaborators)
simple object name e.g. teapot, bicycle, car, butterfly, dress
e.g. Madonna and Child, Sauchiehall Street
any location associated with the object e.g. Flanders, Japan, Glasgow, High Street
what the object is made of, e.g. leather, stone, oil on canvas, silver
e.g. Mende, Chinese, Scottish, Flemish, Kichwa
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